Is Joining a Mastermind Sphere Your Next Right Step Toward Achieving Your Keystone Goal? -

Is Joining a Mastermind Sphere Your Next Right Step Toward Achieving Your Keystone Goal? –

Here are four anecdotes and a nine-question test to help you decide.

Mastermind groups became popular when Napoleon Hill wrote about them in his classic book Think and Grow Rich. Here at Revealing Genius, we’ve evolved them to be “mastermind spheres” because spheres have even greater reach. 

But is joining a mastermind sphere the right next step toward your keystone goal? 

A keystone goal is like the stone at the top of the arch. When it’s in place, everything comes together perfectly. Here are four anecdotes about how mastermind spheres have helped leaders we know achieve keystone goals that support their model, messaging, marketing and mindset. Read on a little further to take our nine-question test to see if joining a mastermind sphere might be your next right step.

Anecdote 1: Model—The Blueprint for Success

Your model is the foundation of your goals. It’s the strategic plan that outlines how you intend to achieve your objectives. Consider how a mastermind sphere helped Jim with this—and how it might help you. 

Jim’s big vision was to purchase PT/OT/orthopedic medical groups and help them flourish. By his own admission, the idea of moving forward with his big vision was a little scary. This was a dramatic detour from his day job, teaching as a Ph.D. at a university. 

Jim’s keystone goal was to write a business plan to formulate his approach. The mastermind group helped him refine it. 

One of his mile markers was to circulate the business plan to attract one board member. He did, and that one board member multiplied to several key board members who provided the expertise and funding to get his venture off the ground. 

His next mile marker is to close his first deal. In less than nine months, his dream is becoming a reality. 

Anecdote 2: Messaging—Communicating Your Vision

Messaging is the story you tell, the value you offer and the way you connect with your audience. Here’s how a mastermind sphere helped David in this area. Would similar support help you?

A nurse and a clinical services and healthcare administration leader with deep and wide oncology expertise, David had been downsized from an executive role and, after two years of searching, was on the verge of giving up. 

His big vision was to “build or lead teams that truly feel appreciated for providing the highest quality of patient care.” His keystone goal was to land a full-time role where he could be instrumental in transforming an organization. 

David knew he didn’t want a bedside nursing role but struggled to communicate his vast expertise. His mile marker was to create a concise transformation statement that clearly articulated at what he was the best in the world and the transformation that happens when he’s playing in his zone of genius. His mastermind sphere rallied to assist, and he tried on his transformation statement with his larger network as well. 

David landed a dream job within three months, and we did a virtual champagne celebration. He continued to leverage the mastermind sphere to achieve his big vision in his new role. 

Anecdote 3: Marketing—Reaching and Engaging Your Audience

Marketing is how you reach the people who need to hear your message and how you engage them meaningfully. Here’s how a mastermind sphere helped Melanie with her marketing.

Melanie’s big vision was to become the top Medicare insurance salesperson in her division. Her target audience (beloved avatar) was people approaching or over 65 in the seven states where she was licensed. 

Her keystone goal was to try out a postcard mailing but she didn’t know what to say to engage the audience, and she didn’t want to waste money on a large print run. Her mile marker was to create two postcard messaging ideas (with the help of her mastermind colleagues) and test them in a small setting (using 30 as a statistically relevant sample size). 

The results were surprising, and Melanie was far more confident going to market knowing the messaging would work.

Anecdote 4: Mindset—The Inner Game of Success

Perhaps the most crucial pillar of all, mindset is the mental and emotional framework that determines how you approach your goals, handle challenges and sustain motivation. Here’s how a mastermind sphere aided Stella. Could it help you too?

A physician, Stella had seen dramatic results in her private practice when her patients stopped eating sugar or ate much less of it. She had a big vision to reach people beyond the geographic reach of her California-based office with this message. Her keystone goal was to create an online class. Her mile marker was to offer the class to our mastermind group. 

She did both, and we gave her feedback on the content, delivery and pricing. She is now offering this class to the masses. She has found a new way to expand her influence doing something she loves: education. 

Is a Mastermind Sphere for You? Nine Questions to Consider

If you answered yes to any of these nine questions, a mastermind sphere might be just the thing for you. 

  1. Am I unsure that I’m focused on what I really want?
  2. Is it time to move on and reidentify myself?
  3. Am I struggling with imposter syndrome?
  4. Am I lacking clear goals and a plan?
  5. Am I wondering if I can do it? 
  6. Is it taking too long to get traction? 
  7. Am I killing it but not taking good care of myself?
  8. Is my fear of wild success greater than my fear of failure?
  9. Am I waiting for something to push me to greater success?

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a professional, or someone striving for personal growth, the mastermind sphere is a tool that can elevate your journey, making the pursuit of your keystone goals not just possible, but inevitable.Revealing Genius mastermind spheres are now forming. Learn about joining by scheduling a complimentary introductory call.

Mary E. Maloney, FACHE

An executive advisor, educator, speaker, author and producer, Mary E. Maloney is the founder of Revealing Genius and the expert that accomplished leaders trust for positioning, messaging and brand strategy for themselves, their teams and their organizations. A former CEO and CMO, Maloney guides healthcare C-suite leaders, founders, physicians and board directors to powerfully and strategically message their expertise and “why” so they lead with conviction and achieve their most coveted goals. She is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE), one of only ~8,000 in the world to earn the credential, the benchmark for board certification in healthcare management.

mastermind sphere, keystone goal


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